Thursday, October 29, 2009

Forget burgers, this war tastes like chicken

Free versus really, really cheap.

Boston Market may have won round one of what seems to be a burgeoning chicken war with Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The Colonel offered one free piece of grilled chicken Monday (Oct. 26) - the third time in six months - as part of its Unfry Day promotion. The same week Boston Market rolled out a $1 deal for their real chicken meal - which included chicken, a side of mashed potatoes and cornbread. The deal is good through Sunday (Nov. 1).

The better value? Boston Market. The rotisserie chicken retailer offered either a 1/4 chicken or three piece dark and the sides. But no matter how much free Kentucky Grilled Chicken gives away it also comes down to taste.

And when a few months back I took Kentucky Fried Chicken up on their first free food offer in May it came with mixed results.

From a taste and value standpoint, you can't make your lunch for cheaper than a $1, and if you can I don't think it would be this good.

1 comment:

  1. I scarfed this deal for lunch and although they had a 40 minute wait for their chicken, Boston Market offered meat loaf or brisket instead. I tried the brisket and it was juicy, lean and succulent. Mmmmmmmm
